Making Children Visible

It is estimated one third of the world population is made up of children below the age of 18 years. While that number goes to 50% in most developing countries and over 50% in Kenya.

While the world is moving towards the achieving a sustainable planet, their is little highlight on children from the social to political arena. Thus begging a question why is a third of the world being considered insignificant.

Mtoto News believes this is as a result of limited or poor dissemination/reporting of children matters. Borrowing from the women/feminist movement, Mtoto News intends to make children significant and children matters to be an agenda in every social, development, economic and political discussion.

Mtoto News is doing this by ensuring easy availability and accessibility  of children news, information and resources published twice a day in our online news paper Relating current affairs and trends to children and engaging policy makers, implementers and children on this matters.

Leveraging on the new media Mtoto News has created an interactive and active online community that can discuss children matters, come up with solutions and advocate in the best interest of the child. If you have not joined our community kindly do so on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Youtube and Telegram @MtotoNews or #MtotoTalk

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